Downloadable statistics
CoDE is committed to making the most recent data on ethnic inequalities and ethnic identities available to organisations and individuals across the UK.
CoDE statistics and some main sources of statistical data can be found below.
Education statistics
Figures can be useful tools to help us understand general differences and introduce basic statistical concepts. Those shown in this section are intended to be used within a context that recognises ethnicity as a complex concept that cannot be adequately captured by a simple classification.
The percentage of pupils achieving the expected level in both English and Mathematics continues to vary between different ethnic groups. Chinese pupils remain the highest achieving group.
The percentages of pupils achieving Level 5 in the 2011 Key Stage 2 tests by subject are:
- English 29 per cent (down 3 percentage points from 33 per cent in 2010)
- Mathematics 35 per cent (up 1 percentage point from 34 per cent in 2010)
The Statistical First Release (SFR) provides revised 2011 Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Assessment results for pupils (typically aged 11) in schools in England. The revised figures are based on data used in the Primary School (Key Stage 2) Performance Tables.
More information is available on the Department for Education website via the link below:
Pupils of Chinese and Indian origins had the highest proportions achieving 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and mathematics GCSEs. Pupils of Traveller of Irish Heritage and Gypsy/Roma origin continue to have the lowest attainment, but care should be taken in making comparisons due to the low number of pupils from these ethnic groups.
More information is available on the Department for Education website via the link below:
- Percentage of young people qualified to Level 3 by characteristics and age for the 19 in 2011 cohort
Pupils of Chinese and Indian origins had the highest proportions achieving Level 3. Pupils of Traveller of Irish Heritage and Gypsy/Roma origin continue to have the lowest attainment, but care should be taken in making comparisons due to the low number of pupils from these ethnic groups.
This graph is based on those with a Pupil Level Annual School Census (PLASC) record in the academic year that they turn 16 (ie academic age 15 and generally year 11) in the matched administrative data sets used for this work. The characteristics are assigned according to what was recorded in the census at academic age 15. These estimates exclude anyone not with a matched PLASC record at academic age 15 (so exclusions include those in PRUs and Independent schools).
The main qualifications at Level 3 are:
- A levels
- GCE in applied subjects
- International Baccalaureate
- Key Skills level 3
More information on attainment and what the different levels mean can now be found in the National Archives at the links below: