EVENS book
Racism and ethnic inequality in a time of crisis: Findings from the evidence for equality national survey
Edited by: Nissa Finney, James Nazroo, Laia Bécares, Dharmi Kapadia and Natalie Shlomo.
Our book, Racism and ethnic inequality in a time of crisis: Findings from the evidence for equality national survey, contains 100 data charts and tables, with expert commentary and analysis from the EVENS team.
The book is available as a paperback, or you can read it for free online or as a download. (If you also want to hear more about how to access the full dataset yourself for further analysis, register your interest, and we will email you when the data is available.)
This book’s examination of ethnic inequalities in life circumstances and experiences is motivated by questions of racial justice. Its central premise is that understanding how and why people’s experiences differ, and the nature of the disadvantage and inequality underpinning these experiences, is required for racial equality.
What distinguishes this book is its use of a unique dataset to conduct a robust investigation of ethnic inequalities in Britain. The analyses in this book go further than previous studies – further in terms of the issues that are investigated and the granularity of ethnic groups that is considered. This has been made possible using the Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS) dataset.
The book chapters have been written by experts in the thematic field; authors represent disciplines across the social sciences (geography, sociology, economics, demography, social statistics, population health and politics). The book is thus interdisciplinary in offering expert discipline-oriented empirical chapters within a framing that speaks across disciplines to vital questions of racism and ethnic inequality.