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Selected media coverage

Britain ‘not close to being a racially just society’, finds two-year research project - Patrick Butler, The Guardian, April 2023.

Social barriers faced by Roma, Gypsies and Travellers laid bare in equality survey - Michael Goodier, The Guardian, April 2023. 

Racism in Britain is not a black and white issue. It’s far more complicated - Tomiwa Owolade, The Guardian, April 2023. 

Racism warning as data shows one in three people from ethnic minorities have faced abuse - Amy-Clare Martin, The Mirror, April 2023. 

News releases

Research into experiences of ethnic minorities in the UK used to improve lives, UK Data Service website, October 2023

Data reveals worrying rates of financial hardship for people from ethnic minority backgrounds, September 2023

Are ethnic and religious minority voters key to election success?, May 2023

Over a third of people from minority groups have experienced racist assaults, survey finds, April 2023

Coverage of the EVENS launch

How do we know if life for people from ethnically diverse backgrounds is getting better? - Natasha Muktarsingh and Ganesh Rao, Sky News, July 2021.

The forgotten people: Conversations around race and equality - Jason Farrell, Sky News broadcast, May 2021.

How can we better understand the 'particular culture of racism' in the British countryside? - Jason Farrell, Sky News, May 2021.

Represented yet excluded: How ethnic minority people are counted in national surveys - Dharmi Kapadia, UK Data Service data impact blog